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Arizona Artificial Lawns Quality Pacifica Synthetic Grass

We love the look and feel of all our synthetic lawn choices. Arizona Artificial Lawns is proud to offer Phoenix, AZ residents and business owners our Pacifica artificial lawn selections. Our Pacifica artificial grass product line provides a stunning two-tone dark green appearance with a thin denier polyethylene face fiber. Our Pacifica and Pacifica Premium options help conserve water, look natural, and are low maintenance. Our products come with a 15-year warranty. We’re proud to offer some of the most technologically advanced artificial grass products to our customers. Contact us to learn more.

Pacifica Synthetic Grass

Pacifica is the perfect choice for many different applications, including pet areas, due to its shorter pile length. It is an 82 oz, 1.5″ product. Pacifica attributes include:

  • 75 oz. per square yard face weight
  • 875″ pile height
  • 3/8″ tufting gauge
  • Built with recyclable components
  • Field, apple, and olive color
  • 15′ wide rolls
  • Allows maximum drainage
  • Made with Antimicrobial Urethane backing to help inhibit mold growth

Pacifica Premium

Pacifica Premium is a 102 oz. and 1.75″ product with a dense application that is great for commercial or residential applications in all traffic settings. Pacifica Premium attributes include:

  • 75 oz. per square yard face weight
  • 875″ pile height
  • 3/8″ tufting gauge
  • Built with recyclable components
  • Field, apple, and olive color
  • 15′ wide rolls
  • Allows maximum drainage
  • Made with Antimicrobial Urethane backing to help inhibit the growth of mold and help protect against microbial deterioration

Artificial Grass Distinguishing Features

Arizona Artificial Lawns is proud to offer some of the best products in the business. Our distinguishing features include:

  • Evaporative cooling infills
  • Heat reduction technology
  • Soy-based BioCel coating
  • Antimicrobial backing
  • Melt-resistant nylon products
  • Reduced allergens

Artificial Grass For Residential And Commercial Properties

Pacifica artificial grass can be used for many different residential and commercial applications. Some of our most popular applications for Scottsdale and Phoenix residents and business owners include:

  • Yard Landscaping –Front and backyard landscaping help achieve a beautiful lawn throughout the year while helping to conserve water.
  • PlaygroundWe install low-maintenance synthetic turf that sits underneath playground equipment and is perfect for low-maintenance areas.
  • Putting Greens –Our synthetic putting greens help keep your golf game going strong and provide entertainment for the entire family.
  • Pet Grass –Artificial pet areas help protect their paws and fight bacteria with antimicrobial backing.

The Best Choice For Artificial Lawns

Choosing Arizona Artificial Lawns for your synthetic yards projects is the best for many reasons, including:

  • Recyclable Product –Our synthetic lawn products are made in the USA with renewable, recyclable components.
  • Conserve Water –You can save up to 80% on your water bill with artificial lawn products.
  • BioCel™ Technology –BioCel™ technology incorporates soy polyols in its polyurethane instead of petroleum-based polyols.
  • Heat Reduction –Heat reduction technology helps our turf maintain a cooler exterior.

Install Pacifica Artificial Turf Today

Our Pacifica artificial turf offers a durable, shorter-pile synthetic yard selection. Arizona Artificial Lawns has served Arizona residents and business owners since 2003. We’ve helped thousands of people find the perfect type of artificial lawns to fit their needs. Our experience ensures you the best customer service possible. Contact us for a free design consultation when you’re ready to see how Pacifica artificial grass can enhance your living space!